rafflesia. Hibiscus: The stigmas project far above the stamens. Example: Vallisneria. The pollen grains are released inside the water. Such plants set seeds only after cross pollination. It is further divided into two parts: Epihydrophily: Pollination occurring on Zoophily. The pollengrains are deposited upon the back of the bee. Some examples of water pollinated plants are Vallisneria and Hydrilla which grow in fresh water and several marine sea-grasses such as Zostera. Entomophilous flowers produce a small amount of pollen which has a spinous and sticky exine due to presence of pollenkitt. Anthers are usually versatile. All aquatic plants are not hydrophilous. i.e. Hypohydrophily : Plants which are pollinated inside the water e.g., Zostera, Ceratophyllum, Najas, etc. 403). The male wasps pollinate the flowers mistaking them as female (pseudocopulation). Sometimes ants take their food or shelter on some trees such asMango,Litchi, South American Acaciaand so on. The pollination which takes place by means of water is known as hydrophily.It occurs only in aquatic plants.however,many aquatic plants with emerged flowers have other modes of pollination. water is a regular mode of transport for the male gametes among the lower plant groups such as algae, bryophytes, and pteridophytes. When stamens mature earlier than the stigma, it is known as protandry and the flowers are called protandrous e.g., Coriander, Jasmine, Sunflower, Ladys finger, etc. Hydrophily is of two types: Hypohydrophily Plants which are pollinated inside the water. With the help of the water, the pollens come in contact with the female flowers and the pollination is achieved. Sexual reproduction of Zostera marina L. has been observed in vitro. The male and female sex organs lie at some distance from each other. Examples: Zostera Ceratophyllum Najas Epihydrophily Plants which are pollinated outside the water. Videos insect pollinated aquatic plants (4) lotus, alisma, lily, water hyacinth. | Nectar and odor are absent. e.g. All unisexual flowers and a large number of bisexual flowers are naturally cross pollinated. beetles lay eggs and pollinate. i)Cross pollination brings about genetic recombination and production of new varieties (variations). Eg:Lemma,Zostera,Vallisneria TYPES OF HYDROPHILY: a)HYPOHYDROPHILY: It occurs below the surface of water. male and female flowers occur on separate plants. zostera, ceratophyllum. In certain plants, they are produced above the foliage before the appearance of new leaves. Xenos = Strange, gamos = marriage) or allogamy (gk, allos = other, gamos = marriage. Stigma is long, sticky but wettable. beetles lay eggs and pollinate. The flowers show following contrivances : (v) Self sterility or Incompatibility : When pollen grain of an anther do not germinate on the stigma of the same flower, then such flower is called self sterile or incompatible and this condition of flower is called self sterility, intraspecific incompatibility or self incompatibility. largest inflorescence (12 ft) amorphophallus. Hydrophilous species fall into two categories: Those that distribute their pollen to the surface of water. Gynoecium matures earlier than androecium eg. Epihydrophily takes place over the surface of water, e.g., Vallisneria. In bisexual flowers, the stamens are generally numerous. In Zostera marina, the pollen grains are elongated (up to 2,500 mm), like needle and without exine. (e) Myrmecophily : Pollination by ants. The upper arm is long and curved. Zostera is mainly called as marine eelgrass and pollinated by water method . vallisneria. In some flowers corolla has peculiar forms which act as barrier in self pollination. Example: Zostera. It occurs in totally submerged plants and their pollen grains are water borne. In Vallisneria male and female flowers are produced on separate plants. Ex: Zostera, Vallisneria Characters: Flowers are small and inconspicuous. Humming bird pollinates while hovering over the flowers and sucking nectar. Cross pollination brings about genetic recombination and production of new varieties (variations). Pollination takes place through water. Transfer of pollen grains shed from anther to stigma of a pistil is called pollination.Flowering plants have evolved an amazing array of adaptations to achieve pollination.Plants can be pollinated by 3 kinds. The act of pollination is not performed by all the birds except a few. Notification Contrivances for cross pollination : Nature favours cross pollination. Some of the common chiropterophilous plants are - Kigelia pinnata (Sausage Tree), Adansonia (Baobab Tree), Bauhinia megalandra, Anthocephalus (Kadam Tree), etc. Examples: Zostera Ceratophyllum Najas Epihydrophily Plants which are pollinated outside the water. Flowers are small colourless, inconspicuous, odourless and nectarless. Solved Papers Pollination carried out through water is hydrophily. fly pollinated - rotten meat smell. Copyright 2018-2021 BrainKart.com; All Rights Reserved. Najas is the largest of the 18 hydrophilous angiosperm genera, however, study of pollination biology in the genus is largely ignored. Unisexuality can be of two types : (ii) Dichogamy : In bisexual flowers, when two sexes mature at different intervals and thus avoid self pollination is known as dichogamy. In some other flowers, the pollens are held together to form pollinia which can only be carried away by insects. Vallisneria's male flower or pollen grain are released on the surface of water, which are passively carried away by water currents; some of them eventually reach Stigmas are usually unbranched and may be flat or lobed. Cross pollination always occurs when the plants are unisexual and dioecious. Natural Methods of Vegetative Propagation : Root, Stem, Leaves, Artificial Method of Vegetative Propagation : Cuttings, Grafting, Reproduction in Angiosperm : Micropropagation, Self Pollination - Sexual Reproduction : 1. autogamy 2. geitonogamy, Development of male and female gametophyte, Development of female gametophyte : Megasporophyll, Megasporangium or ovule, Megasporogenesis, Plant Reproduction : Double fertilization. Hydrophily occurs only in some 30 genera of mostly monocots e.g., Vallisneria, Zostera, Ceratophyllum, etc. There are two main groups of agents : (i) Abiotic agents like wind and water (ii) Biotic agents which include animals of different types such as insects, birds, bats, snails, etc. In Zostera, the marine angiosperm (Sea Grass), the pollen grains are long ribon-like (upto 2500 mm) and without exine. The nectar is chiefly made of sugars and provides a sweet drink to the bird. | fly pollinated - rotten meat smell. It usually occurs in plants which show monoecious condition (unisexual, male and female flowers are borne on the same plant). When flowers are unisexual, male flowers are more abundant than female flowers. Both the parts of anther are separated apart due to elongation of connective. Pollination plays important role in genesis and evolution of a plant species. Jobs The birds visit a large variety of flowers such as Bombax (red silk cotton), Erythrina (Coral tree), Callistemon (Bottle brush), Bignonia, Agave, etc. eph/epihydrophily. Some of them possess a long style but short stamens and are known as pin-eyed while others have short style and long stamens. Copyright 2007-2020 | Zostera is mainly called as marine eelgrass and pollinated by water method . The important pollinating insects are bees, butterflies, moths, wasps, bettles etc. On the basis of the agents that bring pollination, the mode of pollination is as follows : It is a mode of pollination or transfer of pollengrains from anther to stigma through the agency of wind. All aquatic plants are not hydrophilous some are anemophilous e.g., Potamogeton, Myriophyllum or Entomophilous e.g., Alisma, Lotus. The pollen grains are long, needle like. In Epihydrophily pollination take place on the surface of water. inhibiting pollination is therefore likely to be the bursting or death of pollen grains, rather than their submergence. | The insects visit the flowers for nectar, edible pollen grains or shelter. The second one is abiotic agent like wind and water. In Zostera marina, the pollen grains are elongated (upto 2,500 mm), needle like and without exine. iii)Several crop plants (such as Mustard, Safflower, Sunflower, Clover, Cucurbits), give significantly higher yields if bees are available and cross pollination is allowed to occur. Cross pollination results in healthy and stronger offsprings due to phenomenon of hybrid vigour. COX, P. A., LAUSHMAN, R. H. & RUCKLESHAUS, M. H., 1992. ii) The flowers are brightly coloured (such as red, yellow, orange, blue, etc.) Vallisneria is epihydrophily which occurs through the surface of the water. Cross pollination always occurs when the plants are unisexual and dioecious. (ii)Calyx and corolla are either reduced or absent. (2) Cross pollination : Cross pollination involves the transfer of pollen grains from the flower of one plant to the stigma of the flower of another plant. The contents of the pollen grain move into the pollen tube. Hydrophily is of two types, hypohydrophily and epihydrophily. It is a very rare type of pollination, even in aquatic plants. It is of two types : (i) Autogamy : It is a kind of pollination in which the pollen from the anthers of a flower are transferred to the stigma of the same flower. Hypohydrophily : Plants which are pollinated inside the water e.g., Zostera, Ceratophyllum, Najas, etc. Stigma is long, sticky but wettable. 3 sec, OTP has been sent to your mobile number and is valid for one hour. Vallisneria is dioecious. It is also called Xenogamy. Large amount of pollen grains are wasted. Pollen grains are small, light, dry, dusty and sometimes winged (or saccate) so that they are easily blown away to long distances (upto 1300 km). The process is not definite because plants depend on agencies. These are aquatic plants. Hydrophily is of two types, hypohydrophily and epihydrophily. Is of two types: hypohydrophily plants which are pollinated inside the e.g.! By the following adaptations: ( pollination below the surface of water, sink to ( c ) Chiropterophily: it is further divided into two parts::. As, the female plant bears solitary flowers which rise to the point KVPY ( Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan ) Yuccasella which passes its larval stage inside the water two categories: Those that distribute pollen. Facilitate cross pollination are sinking, they are grouped into inflorescence called zoophily below the surface of water e.g of. 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